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  The Maqueen kit contains an 8 x 8.5 cm circuit board on which motors, LEDs, infrared and ultrasonic sensors and other components are already installedd.


You will also need to purchase a micro:bit V2 and three AA batteries. If you only have micro:bit V1 available, you must use a simplified version of the mbrobot module




Instead of AA batteries, we recommend procuring a flat, rechargeable Lipo battery (3.7 V, 1.5 Ah) and attaching it with double-sided adhesive tape.



Maqueen Plus V2is delivered largely assembled.
It is available in two versions:
- with an attachment for four AA batteries
- with an attachment for one rechargeable battery (Li-ion 18650)

A rechargeable battery is advantageous. A micro:bit V2 must also be purchased.





The programs are developed with TigerJython, downloaded to the robot's micro:bit via USB cable and executed there with Python. You must install firmware on the micro:bit before using it for the first time.

Connect the micro:bit to the computer using a USB cable.

Select Tools/ Devices/ micro:bit and Flash Target in TigerJython.



For older WIndows versions (< 10) you have to install a drivern (mbed.zip)

Test the installation with the following program:

from mbrobot import *





Maqueen Plus (mbRobot_Plus)   Maqueen PlusV2 (mbRobot_PlusV2)

TigeJython also supports the Maqueen Plus and Maqueen PlusV2 models. Practically all sample examples and tasks in this tutorial can also be carried out with these robots. Unfortunately, the hardware of the three Maqueen robots is different and therefore three different libraries (modules) are required.

The mbrobot module is automatically copied from the micro:bit to the micro:bit when it is flashed. The mbrobot_plus and mbrobot_plusV2 modules must also be downloaded to the micro:bit. Proceed as follows:

  • Use micro:bit V2, as it has more memory than micro:bit V1.
  • Download the appropriate zip file with the following link:
    Download mbrobot_plus.zip
    Download mbrobot_plusV2.zip.
  • Unpack the downloaded file mbrobot_plus.zip or mbrobot_plusV2.zip.
  • Start TigerJython and connect the micro:bit of your robot to the computer using the USB cable (firmware must already be installed)
  • Open the file mbrobot_plus.py or mbrobot_plusV2.py in the TigerJython editor
  • Select Tools/Download module and then Editor
  • Wait until the download is confirmed in the TigerJython output window
  • Test the installation with the following program:
from mbrobot_plus import *
#from mbrobot_plusV2 import *        

The robot drives straight ahead for 2000 milliseconds.

The modules mbrobot_plus.py and mbrobot_plusV2.py can also be found under the additional modules (TigerJython /Help/APLU Documentation / microbit /Additional modules). You can download the latest version at any time and copy it to the micro:bit.





Technical notes:

micro:bit V1 has very little memory. With the older version of the mbrobot library, everything works except for the calibration of the motors.

To use the older library, proceed as follows:

- Install the firmware according to the description in the next section
- The new library mbrobot.py is automatically copied to the micro:bit during bottling
- You must then replace this with the old version
- Download the file mbrobotV1.zip and unpack it
- Open the file mbrobot.py in the TigerJython editor
- Select the Download module option under Tools
- mbrobot.py is downloaded to your micro:bit and replaces the larger file
- Now you have space on your micro:bit V1 for your robot programs