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The micro:bit is a programmable computer. It consists of a 4 x 5 cm circuit board with a 32-bit microcontroller, flash memory, 25 red LEDs, two buttons, several sensors and a USB interface. Together with the simple Maqueen chassis, it becomes a moving robot and offers an inexpensive alternative to the LEGO EV3 robot. The program codes of the examples in this course are largely identical to the programs for the EV3. Both robot models can therefore be used simultaneously in the classroom.


mbRobot (Maqueen)

The standard kit can be used to demonstrate the most important programming concepts in robotics. You can also procure servomotor-controlled components (Maqueen Mechanic). For further applications in the areas of “networked robots” and “IoT” (Internet of Things), the mbRobot can be supplemented with a WLAN-capable microcontroller (ESP 32). The necessary tools are integrated in TigerJython.




All programs in this course can also be run with Maqueen Plus. This is slightly wider, has multicolored LEDs and the option of easily connecting servomotors and other additional devices.

Unfortunately, the Maqueen and Maqueen Plus models are not compatible in terms of hardware. However, our libraries make it possible to control both models with the same programs.


The programs for the two models differ only in the first line:
For mbRobot: from mbrobot import *
For Maqueen Plus: from mbrobot_plus import *



All programs in this course can also be run with the latest Maqueen Plus V2 model. This robot is also not compatible with the two previous models and requires a customized library.

In the first line of all programs you must import the module mbrobot_plusV2:
from mbrobot_plusV2 import *




If you want to test your program on the computer first or don't have a robot to hand, you can use the Simulation mode. Almost all examples and tasks in this course can also be carried out in simulation mode.




Program codes for all examples: mbrobotEx.zip

You can find further application examples for robotics with mbRobot and Maqueen Plus at www.mbrobot.ch.